Thursday, August 21, 2008

Setting the Bar: BarCamp Manila Plus

BarCamp Manila. If you've got something to share, you've got 7 minutes. Happening tonight.


Leading Cloud Computing Blogs. Nope, not the Weather Service.

PitchEngine. Turning PR on for a spin again. Zombie-fied but makes it more human. Sourgrape as I can't find an invite for test. Looks good.

Tools when you're pressed for time from Chris Brogan. Throw in Instapaper! Or these Top Ten Online Note-taking Apps.

Need help organizing your thoughts on paper. Try mind-mapping and use Wisdomap. They have an account for free.

Want to find out how to make money online? And, of course through the Morph Affiliate Program.

Innovation goes Retro. Try Yearbook Yourself. Sure looks fun.