In fact, financial troubles and downturns only seem to add fuel to the news fire!
Gladwell's back with Outliers! More than having another book on success, I just love how he pulls all these statistical trivia to raise a point. Always a fun read so looking forward to getting my hands on one.
On Dead Tree Publishing: Just bought a couple of issues of Time Magazine and I admit it has really been awhile. Still, it's such a good read especially when you're lying in bed which isn't the least bit possible with laptops or netbooks even. Desktop might even be better because you can attach the LCD monitor on the ceiling and mouse wireless to your hearts delight! Stiff neck and all. [Books vs Internet.]
4 New Directions for Cloud Computing (when we haven't really tried the old one yet)
Computer science doesn't appeal to women. Period.
Facebooking? Be proud at work! Social Networking in the workplace increases efficiency. Hmmph.
Tim Brown, IDEO CEO can tell you a lot about innovation.
I'm a big fan of Karen Armstrong by way of the books she writes. Now, it's a bit bigger with Charter for Compassion.
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