Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wishful Thinking About Design

The whole business of education and learning at this time continues to move away from the traditional that it is still a surprise when some esteemed brand still fails to comprehend how meaningful inter-disciplinary studies are fast becoming the norm even as there are plenty of evidence to support it. 

Although, maybe, this really wasn't much of a surprise, Mr Nussbaum but glad you didn't let this slide by.  

Score one for Design.  And the whole business school thing, too even with shrinking enrollment numbers I guess.

Here's one school that probably gets it.  Dream school gig if ever there was one for one who is design-enamored.

And knowing how tight (especially to fork out hard-earned cash) it must be to gain entry to any design-infused business school, one can settle for this free resource: Designing Media

Not a lightweight by any means.  

And no certificate but then again, good design learning, nonetheless.

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